Imagination Trumps Knowledge!

Featured ProjectYouTube-Clone
As the 2nd largest search engine next to Google, YouTube is one of the best ways to communicate to a wide audience, whether you're promoting programs or providing information to students. I present to you the Youtube clone built using React, Material-UI, and Rapid API. This is a web application that allows users to search and watch videos from YouTube. With React as the base for the frontend, Material-UI for the UI components, and Rapid API for the YouTube data API, it includes features such as pagination, dark mode, and responsive design. This project demonstrates my ability to use modern web technologies and API to create a user-friendly and functional web application.

ProjectTravel Advisor
From enquiring multiple agents, handling your luggage and family, looking for the best food to suppress your hunger, to getting lost while finding an escape for yourself, travelling to a new place throws up a number of hurdles your way.As an easy solution for all the mess, this Travel Advisor allows users to find Restaurants, Hotels and Attractions around them by automatically detecting the location and suggests the hotels and restaurants around you. Built using Reactjs, Material UI, GoogleMap API and Rapid API, you can also search for different places by using the searchbar or can simply navigate it directly using the map.

Created a news website using React, Bootstrap, and News API This is a web application that allows users to read daily news headlines from various sources and categories. I have used React for the front-end, Bootstrap for the UI framework, and News API for the news data API. I have also implemented features such as filtering and sorting.

Created an online chatting room where people can come and chat. I have used Firebase for Google authentication, Vite-ReactJS for the frontend, and Tailwind CSS for the UI design. This is a web application that allows users to sign in with their Google account, join chat rooms, and send or receive messages in real-time.

Created an online chatting room where people can come and chat. I have used Firebase for Google authentication, Vite-ReactJS for the frontend, and Tailwind CSS for the UI design. This is a web application that allows users to sign in with their Google account, join chat rooms, and send or receive messages in real-time.

Created a study material website, here you can find all the study material required to pass Btech CSE! I have used NextJs for the frontend, Tailwind CSS for the UI framework and Strapi CMS for the backend. All the content is stored on Strapi and it is deployed on Render.

ProjectHarryPotter- Website
As a Harry Potter enthusiant with a passion for exploring the magic of Hogwarts, I created a theme based website based on the Harry Potter world, with images, fonts, colors, and animations that create a magical experience for the fellow Potterheads. The project is a frontend website from scratch using HTML and CSS. This is a web application that allows users to download Harry Potter books.

Created a Car rental website using NextJs, Typescript, Tailwind css and rapid API. Using this website you can search for different cars, filter them according to your need and see the per day prices for the same.

ProjectTopHire Website- Clone
Created the clone of TopHire Website - a leading company in recruitment using NextJs and Tailwind CSS, Tried to make the Website entirely simillar to the original one.

ProjectSayData- Dashboard
Created the Dashboard for SayData. I have used ReactJs for the frontend and Tailwind CSS for the UI Framework.

Created a website using which people can convert there voice into text. I have used react-speech-recognition node package for the same

This is a web application that allows users to manipulate their text easily and efficiently. I have used React for the frontend and Bootstrap for the UI design. I have also implemented features such as dark mode.